Powell Strong Marine Biologist

Powell Strong Marine Biologist

  • Marine biology and conservation lecturer.
  • Seal monitoring ecologist.


Strong, Powell and Morris, Steve Richard(2010) ‘Grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) disturbance, ecotourism and the Pembrokeshire Marine Code around Ramsey Island’, Journal of Ecotourism, 9: 2, 117 — 132.  To link to this Article: DOI:10.1080/14724040903019869 URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14724040903019869

Strong P.G., Lerwill, J., Morris, S.R. & Stringell, T.B. (2006) Pembrokeshire marine SAC grey seal monitoring 2005.  Countryside Council for Wales Marine, Marine Monitoring Report No: 26

Strong, P.G & Morris, S.R.  (2006).  Wildlife Disturbance, Ecotourism and the Pembrokeshire Marine Code around Ramsey Island.  Poster presentation.  Countryside Council for Wales Marine & Freshwater Monitoring Workshop 2006.

Strong, P.G & Morris, S.R.  (2007). Marine Mammal Disturbance, Ecotourism and the Pembrokeshire Marine Code around Ramsey Island.  Poster presentation included in the Proceedings of the European Cetacean Society, San Sebastian, Espania.

Strong P.G.  (1998).  Grey Seal Pup Production Monitoring: Ramsey Island and North Pembrokeshire, 1997.  Countryside Council for Wales contract science report 253.

Strong P.G.  (1997).  Grey Seal Pup Production Monitoring: Ramsey Island and North Pembrokeshire, 1996.  A report from the RSPB to the Countryside Council for Wales.

Strong P.G.  (1996).  The West Wales Grey Seal Diet Study.  Countryside Council for Wales report 132.

Strong P.G.  (1996).  Grey Seal Pup Production Monitoring: Ramsey Island and North Pembrokeshire, 1995.  A report from the RSPB to the Countryside Council for Wales.

Baines M.E., Earl S.J. & Strong P.G.  (1994).  The West Wales Grey Seal Census.  Interim report on the 1993 season.  Dyfed Wildlife Trust report.


Current monitoring and conservation management activities.

  • Cetacean survey with Seatrust (www.SeaTrust.org.uk)
  • Committee member of SeaTrust.
  • Committee member of the Pembrokeshire Marine Code. (www.pembrokeshiremarinecode.org.uk)
  • “Wise” marine code trainer, 2003 & 2007
  • Darwin Science guided walk leader.